Hamden Police - News Release
DATE: 08/03/22
CONTACT: Sean J. Dolan – Public Information Officer
PHONE: 203-230-4065
PIO #: 22-067
The Hamden Police Department would like to offer our sincere condolences to the family and loved ones of Officer Michael Pantera, who was tragically killed in a motor vehicle accident in North Branford on August 2nd.
Officer Pantera was a 24-year veteran of the Hamden Police Department and recently retired on July 31st, two days prior to his passing. Mike was a compassionate Police Officer that cared deeply about the Hamden community. He served the Town of Hamden and his hometown with honor and distinction throughout his career.
Officer Michael Pantera #34 will be sorely missed by the men and women of the Hamden Police Department and by all who knew him.
Acting Chief of Police Timothy Wydra offered his condolences and stated, “Mike Pantera was a compassionate and caring Police Officer who was very proud to serve in the town where he was raised and still had family living here. He was always ready to lend a hand or volunteer to help an Officer or community member.
We mourn his loss and remember him as a genuine, loyal, hardworking, and kind-hearted person who touched everyone he met. We were all shocked and saddened to hear about his passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.”
Mayor Lauren Garrett added, “I extend my deepest condolences to the Hamden Police Department and to the family and loved ones of Officer Pantera. As a member of the Community Police Division and Bicycle Patrol Unit, Officer Pantera represented the best of our police department with many close and friendly interactions with our residents.
I have ordered all Town flags be lowered to half-mast to honor Officer Michael Pantera.”