Hamden Police - News Release
DATE: 10/06/22
CONTACT: Sean J. Dolan – Public Information Officer
PHONE: 203-230-4065
PIO #: 22-094
On October 5, 2022 at approximately 7:30 PM, Hamden Police Officers responded to Whitney Avenue near Route 15 on reports of a motor vehicle accident. Two vehicles were involved and a telephone pole was struck during the collision. One vehicle rolled over during the accident and power lines were knocked down onto the roadway, along with two utility poles. One of the utility poles contained multiple electrical transformers. A third utility pole also had extensive damage. The Hamden Fire Department assisted police officers on scene and needed to extricate a driver from one of the vehicles.
The preliminary investigation revealed that one of the drivers may have suffered a medical emergency leading up to the accident. The 23-year-old driver was transported to the hospital with minor injuries.
Whitney Avenue was closed for approximately 21 hours while utility companies repaired the extensive damage to the utility poles and wires. Whitney Avenue reopened on Thursday afternoon at approximately 3:30 PM.
The cause of the accident remains under investigation. Any witnesses are asked to contact Officer Joseph Venditto at 203-230-4000 or Jovenditto@hamdenpd.com.