Date: September 10, 2019
Contact: Captain Ronald Smith
Phone: (203) 230-4029
PIO#: 19-120
In May of 2018 Hamden Police responded to an embezzlement complaint at Best Choice Home Health Care, 60 Connolly Parkway.
Investigation revealed that former employee Ashleigh Herring stole approximately $68,000.00 from the business. Herring, who was the payroll supervisor, paid herself thousands of dollars via direct deposit, for hours that she did not work. In addition, Herring fraudulently deposited thousands of dollars into her boyfriend’s bank account.
Detective Scott Levenduski conducted the investigation, which led to the application of an arrest warrant for Herring. The court approved the arrest warrant application.
On September 6, 2019 Hamden Police arrested Ashleigh Herring, 33, of 14 Brewster Street, Waterbury. She was charged with Larceny in the 1st Degree. Herring, who was detained on a court-ordered $100,000.00 bond, is scheduled to appear in Meriden Superior Court on September 23rd.