Date: September 1, 2020
Contact: Captain Ronald Smith
Phone: (203) 230-4029
PIO#: 20-117
On August 31, 2020 at approximately 8:30a.m. Hamden Police responded to an indecent exposure complaint.
Investigation revealed that the victim, a 26 year-old female, was traveling in her motor vehicle, northbound on Whitney Avenue. She was followed by a truck that was equipped with a “large silver flatbed.” The operator of the truck, described as a white male, 30 years of age, beard, pulled alongside of her and “winked.” As she continued northbound on Whitney Avenue, the male continued to drive alongside of her. The male then “completely exposed his lower half and was masturbating when diving.”
Anyone with information is asked to contact Officer Jeremy Brewer of the Hamden Police Department Patrol Division at (203) 230-4030.