Date: March 29, 2021
Contact: Captain Ronald Smith
Phone: (203) 230-4029
PIO#: 21-46
On March 30, 2013 Hamden Police responded to the area of Mountain Road on the report of a sexual assault, involving strangulation. Local residents had alerted police that a young female was “banging” on their doors, screaming for help.
Upon arrival, officers spoke with the juvenile victim. She stated that she was sexually assaulted by a “friend”, Edwin Arpi, while inside of his motor vehicle. She met Arpi on a social media networking internet site. Officers ascertained that Arpi strangled the victim during the assault and that he had threatened to kill her. She attempted to contact police during the violent assault, however, Arpi grabbed her cell phone. She eventually escaped from the vehicle, in search of help.
Shortly thereafter, Hamden Police located Arpi, who was sleeping inside of his vehicle. He was arrested and transported to police headquarters.
Edwin Arpi, who was 21 years of age at the time of his arrest, was charged with Sexual Assault in the 1st Degree, Unlawful Restraint in the 1st Degree, Strangulation in the 3rd Degree, Risk of Injury to a Minor and Interfering with an Emergency Call. Arpi was detained on a $250,000.00 bond.
Edwin Arpi successfully posted bond at court and was released. He subsequently failed to appear in court on his scheduled court date. Hamden Police, with the assistance of the United States Marshal Service Connecticut Violent Fugitive Task Force attempted to locate Arpi. Officers confirmed that he took an outbound flight to Ecuador in August of 2015.
In March of 2021, Hamden Police became aware that Arpi had returned to the United States. On March 26, 2021, Detective Mark Sheppard and Detective Andrew Lipford
conducted surveillance and subsequently observed him walking on State Street. He was immediately taken into custody. Arpi, 29, of 119 Corbin Road, Hamden was charged with Failure to Appear in the 1st Degree. He was detained on a $350,000.00 court-ordered bond. He is scheduled to appear at Meriden Superior Court on June 18, 2021.
Edwin Arpi was additionally charged on the strength of 6 outstanding arrest warrants. He was charged with 4 counts of Failure to Appear in the 1st Degree (East Haven Police Department, Madison Police Department (2) and Yale University Police Department), Failure to Appear in the 2nd Degree (Guilford Police Department) and Failure to Respond (Connecticut State Police).
Detective Brian Stewart conducted the initial investigation.