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2900 Dixwell Ave., Hamden, CT
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Community Liaison Unit
Neighborhood Initiative Unit (N.I.U.)
Neighborhood Initiative Unit (N.I.U.)
Neighborhood Initiative Unit (N.I.U.)
Officers assigned to the Neighborhood Initiative Unit primarily investigate and attempt to solve quality of life problems as well as criminal activity occurring in the Town of Hamden. These Officers are also tasked with expanding the Hamden Police Department’s Community Orientated Policing philosophy by fostering and maintaining our community partnerships with the various stakeholder groups that make up the Hamden community, i.e. citizens, faith based groups, business owners, civic groups and block watch organizations. These Officers focus on community engagement in each of the town’s eight policing districts while supporting our citizens and assisting patrol division officers and detectives with problems solving. As part of their regular duties these officers are deployed on foot patrols, bicycle patrols and in patrol vehicles.